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Spotify Launches New Commenting Feature on Podcasts to Boost User Engagement

By Andrew Arida

Spotify has announced the launch of a new commenting feature for their podcasts.

The streaming giant’s step into the world of commenting shows that they understand the power of community. 

It was only a matter of time: it is widely recognized today that comments, when kept safe and suitable, are an essential part of a publisher’s toolkit. Spotify knows that comment sections will extend time on site and increase user engagement for their creators.

Why Spotify Introduced Commenting

Spotify’s decision is grounded in their understanding of user behavior. Comments are not just about sharing opinions; they’re a powerful tool for increasing user engagement. Spotify’s creators know this — here’s why:

  1. Increased Time Spent: When users can comment, they’re more likely to spend more time on the platform. Engaging in conversations, reading other users’ comments, and responding to threads keeps users on the app longer, enhancing overall engagement.
  2. Higher Page Views: Comment sections encourage users to explore more content. We know that, on average, users who comment and read comments view many more pages than those who don’t. We also know that adding commenting increases the share of users visiting more pages.
  3. Boosted Return Visits: Users who engage in commenting are more likely to return to the platform. They come back to check responses to their comments, continue ongoing discussions, and stay updated on the latest conversations. 
  4. Building a Loyal Community: Comments create a sense of community among users. When listeners share their thoughts and interact with others with similar taste, it builds a loyal, engaged user base. 

One Caveat: Scaling User Safety

Spotify’s new commenting feature is a strategic move to create a more interactive and engaging platform. However, at launch, all comment moderation is manual and the responsibility of podcast hosts. 

We applaud enforcing standards of user safety. But high comment volumes on popular creators’ shows will likely limit how many can actually enable comments and reap the benefits of community. 

Of course, OpenWeb offers publishers and platforms the best moderation on the open internet: a robust AI-powered moderation system that automatically ensures safety at scale, trusted by the best publishers on the web. (Spotify, we’d love to chat.)

We expect commenting on Spotify to drive serious growth in user engagement, retention, and loyalty for creators on the platform — and we’re excited to track their progress.

— The OpenWeb Team

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