OpenWeb Community Policy

Last Updated July 25, 2024


OpenWeb’s vision is to build the social layer of the open internet: a parallel universe to the walled gardens that’s rooted in healthy conversations, transparent first-party data relationships, and mutual economic prosperity for all stakeholders.

Through our platform and products we help facilitate a wide range of thought and discussion. We do not believe that toxicity, hostility, hate, violence or personal attacks bring us closer to making that vision a reality. 

We take pride in our role as the provider of tools, systems, and services to help content creators build safer environments where high quality conversations take place.

We’re serious about our vision. Bringing it to life means that we must develop and continuously improve our standards to align our actions with our intent.

To that end, we publicly share our Openweb Community Standards.

OpenWeb Community Standards

To create an environment where healthy communities can thrive, we believe that there is no room for user content involving, promoting or encouraging any of the below:

  • Harassment and/or Hate Speech
  • Violence and/or Threats 
  • Violent Extremism 
  • Sexually Explicit Content
  • Illegal Content 
  • Spamming and/or Commercial Solicitation 
  • International Privacy Regulation Violations

OpenWeb’s Vision and Commitment to Continual Improvement

Creating quality conversations begins with the publisher. OpenWeb routinely audits the communities in our network to ensure that they align with our Standards.

As we grow as a company, through new partnerships with publishers and business acquisitions, we understand that we need to evolve our standards — not only to accommodate growth, but also to adapt to the everchanging media and sentiment landscape of the audiences we help serve. 

For those that do not adhere to our policies, we follow the enforcement policies detailed in the section below.

Audit and Enforcement

OpenWeb believes strongly in these standards, and believes it is our responsibility to assist our Partners in upholding them.

We have enforced and will continue to enforce our policies with the intention of creating healthier communities. We leverage our proprietary moderation technology, alongside third-party expertise to continue to strengthen and enforce our policies.

We pride ourselves in our relationship management and leverage that to have conversations with publisher partners who may be in danger of falling into non-compliance. Part of encouraging healthy conversations among publisher audiences is being able to have them with our clients ourselves.

If we believe a publisher has violated our standards, we reserve the right to suspend our engagement with such publisher, in order to review further and discuss a potential plan for that publisher to enter back into compliance.

If a suspended publisher agrees to comply with our OpenWeb standards, we may reinstate their services with OpenWeb, reviewing their practices again after 3 months.

If a suspended publisher does not agree to comply with our OpenWeb Partner Standards, we may terminate our engagement. We invite community members and the public to submit notice to OpenWeb that any partner in our network is not adhering to standards, and we will investigate. To do so, please reach out to our team. If we have suspended or terminated our engagement with you referencing this policy and you believe such suspension or termination was erroneous, please contact your former Partner Success Manager contact at OpenWeb, or use our contact form.